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Artistic Research

Artistic Research

Let’s be clear: creative artistic thinking is neither a creative technique nor about painting pictures or making sculptures. This is a preconception we must get rid of. Creativity is not a prisoner of art. Rather, artistic thinking can take place anywhere, in any mind, in any discipline, and any area of life. It’s an attitude of turning towards an open, fluid matrix of possibilities.

Ursula Bertram

The sculptor void is filled with the artist’s doubts. Research takes multiple forms: art, science, philosophy, and language. Arts, including poetry, which is an art form, started as a terrain of research, but creativity has spilled over the arts’ domain. Each discovery pushes away our self-imposed constraints... Research requires an insatiable urge to know. It implies the need to keep going and proceed from one item to the next. One theme ceases and another begins, all parts of the same assemblage, creating a body of work. Such a “territorial assemblage” requires the dismantling of frontiers, the deterritorializing of space that engulfs a series of items, thoughts, ideas, and concepts all meant to support and articulate the unspoken narrative inside the researcher’s head. The method being used is what I would call (for lack of a better word) the presentification of an anteriority while the goal, for the artist-researcher in particular, isn’t appropriation but the peripatetic assemblage of a space of feelings... An artist-researcher is not different from a child in the dark who “orients himself with his little song as best he can” in the heart of what may be considered a disorganized system of thoughts, an improvisation. Such an improvisation, however, could lead to the “threshold of a territorial assemblage”.


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